Arty Craft Kids Club

A smiling young boy holding his paint covered hands in the air

Free weekly art club for children of all ages are delivered by Square Peg Community Arts. Project. Our current beach themed project inlcudes activities such as marbling, sculpture, printing, making kites and using spinning paint machines.

For information on dates and venues please check our What’s On calendar.

Please note: Only children registered with Sight Support are eligible to participate in these activities. To register your child, simply call us on 01482  342297.

How much does it cost?
Thanks to a grant from The Ideas Fund delivered by the British Science Association and funded by Wellcome, we are currently able to offer these activities and events FREE of charge.

How do I get a place on an activity?
Once a quarter, a newsletter is sent out to all registered children and young people in Hull. This will include information of upcoming events and activities, as well as a date and time to contact and book your place.

Places are allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis, so if places are fully booked then please do not be disappointed as your name can be put onto our waiting list. If a place becomes available, a member of staff will be in touch. For further info and to book please contact Vicky Day on 07990 043614 or email [email protected].


Who staffs the activities?
All of our staff, volunteers and partner organisations are experienced in working with children and young people, and we have a ratio of staff to numbers attending the activity. All staff and volunteers are checked to the enhanced level of disclosure via the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).


The Ideas Fund is delivered by the British Science Association and funded by Wellcome.


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