Mambo Jambo Music

Children dancing

Mambo Jambo are an acoustic music group delivering our  music sessions for visually impaired chidlren aged between  6 – 12 years. These music sessions will include sensory time, workshops, interactive time and listening to performances.

Time:      2  –  4pm

Venue: Sight Support

Dates:  Sunday 5th March
Sunday 2nd April
Sunday 21st May
Sunday 18th June


How much does it cost?

Thanks to a grant from The Ideas Fund delivered by the British Science Association and funded by Wellcome, we are currently able to offer these activities and events FREE of charge.

How do I get a place on an activity?

Places are allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis, so if places are fully booked then please do not be disappointed as your name can be put onto our waiting list. If a place becomes available, a member of staff will be in touch. For more details or to book a place, contact Vicky Day on 07990043614 or [email protected].


The Ideas Fund is delivered by the British Science Association and funded by Wellcome.

A yellow star with the letters I and F inside it and the words The Ideas Fund next to itA green and blue logo with the words British Science Association next to itA black square with the words W Wellcome written in white inside it


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