Looking for an alternative to greeting cards? You can support our charity with the cost of cards and send e-cards instead.
Through DontSendMeACard you can send an e-card and donate to Sight Support HEY at the same time. The idea is that you donate what you would have spent on a card and postage.
Simply go to DontSendMeACard.com, follow the steps to send a personalised e-card and donate to us today.
You can choose between Valentines, Christmas, Easter, birthday, Fathers and Mothers day and thank you cards.
Never forget another occasion! DontSendMeACard.com have created a way to keep on top of special occasions and help charities with the cost of cards.
Sending greetings has never felt better.
Create an account with DontSendMeACard and you can see the difference you've made with donations in lieu of cards.